Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wed 24 & Thurs 25

on Wed 24 we reviewed what we did yesterday like always. We learned a few tricks for our intro scene. We learn the three places we can put actions on/in keyframes, btton instances, and movie clip instances. frames action making the movie stop and a frame. Button actions clicking a button to make the movie go or stop. For the rest of the class we continued working on our guumball project.

On today (Thurs 25) we learned about instance names so we get control over anything. In class Sir made us use the car were we made the front tire stop and the car but the back tire was still spining. we also learned about properties use litel programing to make a button change the colour or height/width or and object. The rest of the class working on the gumball project (harder then i thought it was goin to be)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mon 22 and Tues 23

On monday 22nd sir maked the boncing ball project after given us 10 mins to work on it. After that like the good teacher he is he recaped the work we did last week and went on with the lesson. we learn how to make buttons to start and stop animations we make. It also showed us alittle abit of programing. so it was basic we draw an arrow and the the motion tween to make in move across the page then after we made sure that everyone we at the same point me made a button basicly it is how you make a symbol but you click button in stead. Then right click on the button to open up the options and clicked actions did the programming thing so whe u liked on the button the arrow stoped moving then made a button that made it go. We also started the bike racing assigment.

Tues 23. Today Sir marked any assigment that wasn't marked yesterday. Then we started the lesson about programming the flash "movie" to stop instead of loop and to make a new scene and make a button to get to it. we have started your gumball project.

Wed 17 and thrus 18

On wed 17 we reviewed quickly on what we did yesterday then we moved on to new this on flash CS3. The Animation basics. we learned about timelines, frames, and frames rate. we also learned how to manage frames (adding, removing, clearig frames). Then we learnen how to animat something frame by frame. After 5 mins Sir showed us tweening. Tweening is animating something with out going frame by frame. so you draw your object the go to a other frame make a keyframe and move the object where youu want it then in nthe middle somewhere yo right click and add a motion or shape tween. We learned how to combine motion and shpae tweens. To end of the day how to add sound to our work.

Thurs 18 we again qick review on what we did the day before then on to the new stuff. We learned about motion guides a site to see this basic stuff is . to use motion guide you need two layers. one layer for your shape and he other for the guide.

Mon 15 & tuesday 16

Meh the old blog again, meh on monday we did your networking test so it was on :
-setting up a network
-network proocols
-different types of networks
and so on. the good thing was that was the end of the less entertaining part of this course. Sir should us the start of flash. we want to to see whatyou can do in flash and what if we are good we might be able to make

Tuesday the start of flash. Again we went to and then we started flash CS3 and learned the file type .FLA is the work you do and .SWF is the movie,game whatever you made. we learned the basic drawing tools, text boxs, symbols and istances. We also learned abot layers and how to use the library

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday sept. 11 2008

On Wednesday 10 2007 we learned how to use netmeeting and find or ip address number. basically the whole class was on one chat and we were goofing on the computer for the period.

Today we reviewed what we did yesterday and watched the videos at Sir showed us alot on networking and how they work today. After all that we went to netmeeting again goofed aronnd for the last 10 to 20 mins.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday 9 2008

On monday we had a test great fun. After the test we were allowed to use the computer anyway you want. So i was using the program west point bridge designer. The prgram is for a other class but it pass time.

on Tuesday we started the next unit networking. We started with acouple notes. Sir overloaded with infomation about networking and said alot of things that we would be doing on Wednesday.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The last two days of the first week

The past week as been basic work but i already told you about the first two days so lets get on to the last two days. On Thursday Mr. Chiarelli was pushing us to work on the hand outs and look at his blog for the pretest. We are doing a quick run down of the hard ware in the computer i am not 100% sure way but we are. Mr. Chiarelli is really reminding us about the test this Monday. What is it like every five minutes he reminds us "I want u to get this done so you will do good on the test." I don't know Thursday we didn't do much just work on the questions he gave us on the first day so.

Today we came in and he told us to open our books. Mr.
Chiarelli want to see what work we have done. Most kids had the work on the computer and hadn't printed it out so we logged on and showed me no big deal. Then he said that because of yesterday that some kids were goofing off that some users were block out of the system and you need to talk to him to get it unblocked because some kids didn't do any work. Today was i working period again and Mr.Chiarelli spent most of the period show us answers to the questions so there was like one page left to do. Mr. Chiarelli again pushed that the test was on Monday. The test is open book so we get to us our notes if you printed it out. I really just want to get to the animation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The First two days of class

Ok so far we have done nothing super in this class. The way Mr. Chiarelli makes it sounds like we will be doing some pretty sick things later on. Ya so so far we have just taken done some notes. I guess the good thing is unlike normal class the notes and worksheets question we need to answer we do on the computer. Mr. Chiarelli is very organized he has planed out the whole semester already. Most teachers say that but he took it to the next level. He printed out the booklets and it tells u want we are doing everyday.

One of the this we need to do is make this blog i don't know why really it seem semi pointless to me but what ever i need a credit so i will do it. Mr.
Chiarelli say this is one of the first course you take to learning how to make video games so i am all in for that. It is what i want to do after all. I guess I will have a lot of class with Mr. Chiarelli in the next couple years. Like Mr. Chiarelli said by the end of this course you will know if this is for you. To tell you the truth most teacher say that about most open course that are building blocks for a career. like my Hardware programing teacher Mrs. Monachino. Hardware programing is the course Mr. Chiarelli keeps talking about when he is saying if you enjoy taking apart computers we do that a little but there a class all about that. But for now all we are doing is the semi boring work that i guess needs to be done before we can start doing the fun stuff .