Thursday, September 1, 2011

Family should be understandable, i have two days off a week. In those two days i need to try and have a social life, spend time with my girlfriend, pay bills, try and visit my parents, my grandparents, and Haley's grandparents. Plus you know sleep and there is transportation and getting grocery and house work. Get the people giving me that hardest time is my family i get 48 hours a week to do all that. the rest of the week i am working 9 hour shifts (overnight) then sleeping. To top it all off when i do get visit my family all they want to do is lecture me and question what Haley and I are doing and your plans. -end rant

Monday, August 22, 2011


So i am going to see my parents for the first real visit. I don't know how its going to go but we will see i guess.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Life update

Sooo its beeen way tooo long since i have posted something. Lets get started then, so reflecting on my last post Nicole and i are still not friends and i dont think thats going to.change. I owe her $70 cause the hotel fucked up how many days i said i was staying. So thats her part back. I am going to give it to her first when i have it and when i have time since i work almost 44 hours a week on overnight. Plus hold a social life kinda, dealing with bills, relationship, family, and sleep.

So as i mentioned bills thats right i got my apartment. Took long enough. But yeah it did set back school. I have to wait until haley gets a job or welfare and i can get on osap. Before i think about college. Which sucks cause i want to go. I miss school as funny as that sounds i like being busy.

The job at A&W yeah that title fuck it they wouldn't give it to me because i am on nights. But i asked to be on days aslong as i can get the hours. I was even willing to do nights and days. Which sucks cause i was doing that for a bit. But yeah you do what you gotta do right. Although i might get a job at best buy i got to bug the guy(Justin) tomorrow to see if the GM there is going to call me. I hope they do cause best buy is starting pay $15 an hour and benefits.

Joe and i might become friends again if i can push pride aside and say i am sorry. I miss the kid as a friend even if he is an wreck sometimes.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Where to start

The title says it all. I am so messed up in my life right now. Just as i was pulling it all together too. I guess i should have seen this coming i always fuck it up some how. Lets start with Nicole, an awesome person and was one of my closest friends. I even helped her get a boy she liked when i was crushing over her. But whatever that is not that point here. I fucked up at anime north and i did things i should have done when her and her boyfriend where still there. The fucked up person i am couldn't wait. It was wrong of me and fucked up i know. For the night you had to sit through i am sorry. I wish i could take it back. Cause of that one night i have lost Nicole. She was a great friend and i am sorry for messing up. I hope you can get over your past and challenges in your our character to do the things you want do in life. Never give up on things. I still haven't given up on our friendship but we do need a break or this will get worse.

The next thing is that at work there is a position available for team leader which is just before supervisor. Now i wasn't sure i was going to go for it cause i wanted to keep my night shift. But then i was thinking i need to move forward in life i can't just stop where i am and need to you up until i have out grown it or surpassed it. Whatever the case my be. So i am the first one to have the interview done and i don't know how long it will take for them to choose. They wont give me a hint on how well i did. I know i messed up on the last question but i know the right answer now and i would go by it. oh well i guess what happens happens.

This one kinda ties in with the last point. But i am putting off college until the semester cause i have to get a apartment for Haley and I since her family is planing on going to north bay for a job and she doesn't want to go. She has moved to much in her life and her family is too chaotic. People have no idea how raw a person is when they are in high school and how much stress is in high school alone. Parents treat you like shit cause they feel like you doing nothing. where for school each class things they are most important and you get stupid homework. Then there is your social a life with drama on its only level and if you work there more time gone which your parents nor you teachers would understand for some reason. So yeah i love Haley and i gave her a choice you can stay with your family then you would be leaving me. Which is fine i understand that. It is her family like i wouldn't stand in her way, all i want is for her to be happy. or i told her i would but my life on pause and get a apartment for her and I. After that i would go to college part time and get osap since i would be by "myself" in Mohawks eyes since i would be the only one paying the bill for a bit. Cause of that i would be accepted for OSAP.

The pressure of getting an apartment at my age and with school, social problems and all that and on top of that money problems in i owe money as it is. i have to give a grand to the bank for my visa. So yeah i am stressed out a bit i keep a smile when i can and i work through it all.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

random story i read and made me laugh

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted: "'Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am".
The man below replied "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude". "You must be an mechanic" said the balloonist. "I am" replied the man "how did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you have told me is probably technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip with your talk."
The man below responded "You must be in management". "I am" replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well," said the man "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fucking fault."

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Tumblr is soo freaking stupid. People think they are blogging by stealing other peoples photos. NO that is not Blogging, idk what to call it. There is it is a blog, there is blogger, this is a blog. I am sure there is thousands more. A blog is where u write about what you want in feel detail and depth. not a something that is like a twitter post and comes with a stupid picture.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

response to Haley

So this is a blog post in response to Haley's

Haley i can say thing same thing over and over again. I wake up in the morning and my first thought is of you, as i lay down at night before i go to sleep my last thought is of you. You are beautiful in my eyes. Your new to a relationship with a guy like me so it seems. I wish your past boyfriends cared for you like i did. so that you could find it easier to open up. Thats okay i make you happy and thats important. Although you make me forget about my past and look forward to what lies ahead. Every time we are together we grow, we become closer and we learn. Just like you i am glad we took the chance to move forward. Together <3

Friday, January 21, 2011

A site u deff need to check out.

OK AWESOME SITE. i use it anytime i am bored. so u make an account(free in case anyone is worried xD ) second u pick what u like out of a large list of topics. third u stumble. all this does is like flicking the switch on the remote to the tv. it sends you to a random webpage that has something to do with what u like. Since there is alot more sites then channels you can spend a lot of time there. You also learn alot and find funny shit. Even remember old stuff u forgot about. Deff check this site out and use it.

Also check out xkcd

So its a web comic site. if u have not heard of it once i would be surprised. Cause its cool too. they update it 3 times a week. with new webcomics. Some are cute, or stupid funny, or smart funny. some more tech funny some more just out there. Deff random ones. its it worth it. I always check it when it updates.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

OK now that is done

So now that i finished that post i said i would i have other stuff to blog about so i can now, :) yay

So we all know i am moving on from my past relationship with Corrine and i saw her yesterday at cadets and i was fine. (y) So i am good, i can control my emotions or maybe i have finally moved on idk. but either way i am good and it didn't hurt me to see her.


Even better is I told Haley how i was still hung up on my ex and all that and she was like you need to move on and so on. She asked me out and i was like i don't think i am ready but i am willing to see you and see how it goes. She agreed to that. But i enjoy being around her and she is so far making me happy and making me feel important. Its a new feeling i tend to like. so i think i am going to go steady with her (Y).


Coop is almost over and i am happy, coop has just been so bad this year omg. I dread going to it every morning and then going to work. I can't wait until it is done and i can be sleep in a bit and work full time until sept.

Then there is the apartment.... Narcy is not sure if he can do it now. Like he will come out in march but he is not sure if he can in sept cause if he gets into a recent university. With out Narcy Eric is like i can't make rent blah blah blah. so the solution is the Narcy and i get a one bedroom instead and rent that until Eric comes in sept. See who goes to school where and find out who is staying in the apartment. I need to start looking around but still i need to wait until like feb doing it now is still to early.

I hate getting ask to buy stuff and random bills coming in when they feel like it. like if i buy u make the bill come that day i shouldn't have to wait 3 days to see the charge on my visa >.>


Alright to start off i have done a piece on this before. Although it was me explain what i thought the sin was and how it reflected on a relationship.

Now this time i want to compare the old sins and the modern sins. Cause though out time they have changed. Not going to lie i wanted more time to do this but i want to blog about other things but i said this was going to be my next blog post so bare with me.

Extravagance was the original name for the sin. the meaning behind the word was extravagant behaviour includes the frequent purchase of luxury goods and forms of debauchery. In the Romance languages evolved to have an exclusively sexual meaning. Although in the 14th century the word lost it sexual meaning and lust was the new word for it. Lust or lechery is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. This sin is still the same now back then compared to know is that you wont die from sleeping with your neighbor's wife, well at least legally.

Gluttony surprisingly hasn't changed. I will take a guess that the reason is it a good word that hasn't changed and can mean different things. Now gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food or its withholding from the needy. Now there is different types of gluttony. I was a little surprised lol. Praepropere which is eating too soon, Laute eating too expensively, Nimis eating too much, Ardenter eating too eagerly, Studiose eating too daintily, and Forente eating wildly.

Avarice/Covetousness/Greed wow it has a lot of names. Greed is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed as seen by the church is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. Greed is very simple and hasn't changed so i am not going into farther detail.

Sloth the work has not changed although my meaning has. I believe both of them are right but hey whatever. Sloth in the olden times meant the failure of utilizing ones gifts or talents. In modern time it referrers to being lazy and indifference.

Also something of note some instead of Slot say Acedia or Despair. Acedia is not to care for something that you should. it is consider depression without joy. Despair is the precipitating cause of suicide, cause the feelings that come with it are loneliness, hopelessness, and pessimism. Despair was suppose to be mental and faith, where Acedia is more physical.

Wrath/Anger/Rage really they all mean the same thing. The uncontrollable and inordinate feeling of hatred. Wrath in its purest form is shown with self-destructiveness and violence. Wrath can manifest in different form which include impatience, revenge, and vigilantism. Although in it purest form it can be shown with self-destructiveness, it is the only sin not associated with self-interest and selfishness. Although one can be wrathful for selfish reason it is closer to the sin of Envy.

Envy is a lot like Greed and can lead to wrath. Envy can be defined in a couple ways i like this one, a desire to deprive another of theirs. Although it is also know as sorrow for another's good. The reason Envy and Greed and different is the Greed relates to more material goods where Envy may apply more generally. Also Envy is the feeling you are lacking something there forever everyone should lack it.

Pride/hubris is considered the original and most serious of the sins. I believe is it can lead to any of them. Hubris is the desire to be more important, attractive, intelligent, and so on. The idea of more because you are better then others. The story you can relate this sin to is the story of Lucifer, his pride was what caused his fall from heaven. By competing with god. He was transformed into Satan.

There we go my post on the seven sins once again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

blog blog blog

quick recap on my last blog and so on, i am finally able to control feelings again and able to move on until the next time Corrine and i date....

So i feel as if i am becoming more anti social. Not by choice i think i don't know. i am forcing myself to hang out with people and talk to people. Really what i want is too lock everyone out right now. I don't want to go to coop, work, and hang out with friends at the moment. I don't want to deal with my family. I just want to be alone and think. But i know that it is wrong of me to do such things. Therefore i make plans i talk to people. I work, i go to coop. I try to deal with my family.

Now i will be hypocritical here and after telling Nicole that she should have had two different posts cause things did not relate i will do the same.

So on sunday i might have a date with Michelle, i am not ready for a relationship still, thanks to Corrine but i am getting there. I don't know how i feel about Michelle. What makes it even more like blunt is that she asked me if i liked her. i don't know. But i need to date again, i need to talk with people. so this is like killing two birds with one stone. I did like Michelle i know that. i might still feel the same but cause of Corrine I don't know. Although i don't think Michelle likes me. like that so i don't know why i am stuck on that thought.

Also Shannon and i are a lot closer now. We are even slightly flirting now. Although it is different then how i normally would flirt it is still cute. It makes me happy tho. Her and i talk like all day about everything and nothing. I wish i had more free time so i could attempt to go on a date with her.

My next blog post will be about the seven sins again. i want to redo it. I don't want to relate it to relationship this time either. just what they are as the dictionary describes them and the bible, then my view.