Thursday, October 9, 2008

wed 8 and thurs 9

Well this blogs ae not the best but there isn't that much to write about it was just work periods on the family assignment. We got more days to work on this assignment then the gumball one and the gumball was ten times as hard. So ya on Wed 8 we did a quiz for that you could take the whole period but ya 5 mins for the writing stuff and 15 for the programing if you know what you were doing. I did i got perfect thanks to sir reminding me that i need to add the exit button and the name on the quiz. The quiz programing part was if you clicked on a button the name of the teacher and class would show up in a box. Then the exit button was so you click on it and it closes the program. The rest of the period we could work on family assignment, Blog, or free time. I choose free time because i am done the assignment and the blogs i do at home.

Today i was alittle late because of a conflict in the hall. I came to class to find a sub. He looked strange but its all good right. I found out quickly that that was not the case he would not let us walk or even talk like if we talked to the person beside us he was like quiet down. He walked around once and tap everyone on the shoulder to tell you to work, be quiet, or both. Today we again was suspose to work on the Family assignment, or blogs. have both done i had freetime and i played games abit.