Thursday, February 26, 2009

thurs 26

Today we learned a five step program  the flowcharts , description, user-interface, code solution. also learned about  syntax, run-time, logic errors and how to fix and spot them. Play stepping which is (F11).   

mon 23 tues 24

ok it is mon and sir took like 10 to 15 mins to show us a combo boxes and list boxes and the two ways to enter the data list. the rest of the period was for the project and again debugging after debugging. it was like after you sloved 20 + and you thought he this is going to work you had another 20+ problems but with sirs help and Eric's help i finished and it worked fine.

tues we had to hand in the code to the project for sir to make and we had a test. The test was open book but like super long. like no joke is was worse then the exam for gr.10 programing

wed 18 thurs 19 and fri 20

wed 18 sir showed a program which showed while true loops while loops and for loop. then we had to write a program which used it. 

On thurs we learned about e.keychar==8 also we redid the controlled repetition and add custom dialog. Then we got a assignment , what the program should do is take the age and height of people from 13 to 18 years of age and find the average height for there ages.

fri 20 was a work period for the project i wrote like all the code to find alot of problems so dedugging started

fri 13 mon and tues 17

well on fri sir showed use some sample programs like a tic tac toe. He also showed us checkboxes and radiobuttons. We also worked on programs.

mon was family day so no school

tues 17 we learned about messageboxes, we learned about the difference  between show and showdialog and showdialogresults. and settings dialogresults to OK/Cancel for button. Sir showed us keypress demo. Then we had to make a program which you clicked a button and new form opened and you entered your info the pressed a button and it showed you what you put in.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

wed/ thursday

wed hmmm well still wasn't feeling good but i went to school because i was goin to the the test but after period one i couldn't really stay awake and still left shoddy. so i signed out

Thursday now i have no idea what we did in class on tuesday or wed and today because for the whole period i was doing that test i did ok it could have done better. but from the day plans it looks like we are into if statements so i better pay attention because if i don't get if statements the is going to be a long sem. 

fri 6 and monday 7 tues 8

Friday we started on math now in VB we didn't start math until like the middle of the sem. but whatever. We learn about casting how that you can't you 7/2 it will give you 3 not 3.5 you nee to go (double)7/2 to work and (double)(7/2) won't work ether. we did more converting into string then back to double the to string. one for the computer to do math and the other to make it look good on the form. Then Sir have us a hand out and it was like in Gr 10 but now you need to do it in C#.

On monday it was a work/study period because you worked on the hand out but you study for the test on tuesday.

tuesday test day well not for me i was home sick sleeping most of the day and when i woke i went on firstclass and sent Sir a message telling him i wasn't goin to be there then went back to sleep.   

wed4 and thursday 5

on wed we had a quiz to make sure we payed attention for the past three days. The program we had to make was easy because there was no programing it was just making the form. 

On thursday we went over the idea of computer storage , variables and all that. Unlike VB where you go (dim blah as double) in C# you just go (double Blah) it is quicker i think. we also lerned to "convert" command and "MessageBox" and learned how to steal inputbox from VB. the Inputbox was nice in VB but in C# it is not worth the work to use it and to run it you need to save in cdrive and ya forget stick with textboxes unless at home or something and whatever have fun. like VB, C# has public and private so ya we learned about that  

monday 2 and tuesday 3

ok so i got a programmer class again and that means a blogs again.

Monday 2 so this class went pretty good you i got a couple of people from the grade 10 course and all that. So sir was like sign in and all that so we did know for some reason everyone who took the grade 10 course last sem. sat on one side of the room leaving the new guy to the other side but we are all started fresh kinda new program, new rules so whatever. Sir went over how nothing in this class is a surprise and then showed us the day plans and we went over firstclass and the blog.  after that we started the program we are going to be using 99% of the year C#. After making you screen look like Sir's we started the first program. very simple just showing the basics.

On tuesday we use scroll bars and menus in a program with in C# they are easier to use. the only thing about C# i don't like which i will learn to live with is (;) at the end of every code is : and that is different from VB and i do forget to put is some times.