Thursday, February 12, 2009

monday 2 and tuesday 3

ok so i got a programmer class again and that means a blogs again.

Monday 2 so this class went pretty good you i got a couple of people from the grade 10 course and all that. So sir was like sign in and all that so we did know for some reason everyone who took the grade 10 course last sem. sat on one side of the room leaving the new guy to the other side but we are all started fresh kinda new program, new rules so whatever. Sir went over how nothing in this class is a surprise and then showed us the day plans and we went over firstclass and the blog.  after that we started the program we are going to be using 99% of the year C#. After making you screen look like Sir's we started the first program. very simple just showing the basics.

On tuesday we use scroll bars and menus in a program with in C# they are easier to use. the only thing about C# i don't like which i will learn to live with is (;) at the end of every code is : and that is different from VB and i do forget to put is some times.