Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today and my feelings about it

So first off i graduated last night, it should be important so yeah it is there.

I disagreed that i had to get up early to get my marks, to make sure i graduated xD. Nah i knew i did i could have failed the exam and i still would have graduated so whatever. i got a 77 in english and a 89 in coop. my avg is 84.3 this sem and last sem was 80 so honor roll for me.

Today i am hanging out with Corrine and i have mixed feelings about it, because i have liked her for a long time and if you read my blog posts you know that i have a little drama going on with Kayla. I have to parts of me when it comes to dating and it is my deep side and my manwhore side. Kayla has my manwhore side like no problem. She also has a bit of my deep side from some of the convos we have had. How we grow up so much like and that we are almost the same person. Where Corrine you i have dated in the past and things got bad and we are closer then friends then last time, has my deep side no problem bu is kinda trying for my manwhore part. The problem comes in the fact i am not sure you i want anymore. i have known Corrine longer and we are closer in like a deep sense but idk Kayla keeps things fun and playful and i feel so good around her. I would have chosen Corrine over Kayla like last week but after everything that happened i am not sure how i feel or what i should do.

Well no i know what i should do, Kayla has a boyfriend and Corrine doesn't. I should be flirting with Corrine and see if we have a chance to date again. Let Kayla figure her stuff out and after she is ready and i am ready Kayla and i could try. Corrine is i super nice person as well, and we could have a long relationship that is how she is if she likes you. I could end up dating both it is who will i first. idk i am lost and confused about how i feel.

Gillis tried to help me but its not really helping, besides he has his only shit to worry about. So yeah i am going to hang out with Corrine today and i will see what happens, maybe just maybe i might be able to be happy for the day.

On a side note Kayla plans on telling her boyfriend what happened and how she cheated on him. She also is gone from thursday to monday. so she need to see him today, but she is kinda busy and he is not home so she is kinda freaking since she wanted to tell him before she left.