Alright to start off i have done a piece on this before. Although it was me explain what i thought the sin was and how it reflected on a relationship.
Now this time i want to compare the old sins and the modern sins. Cause though out time they have changed. Not going to lie i wanted more time to do this but i want to blog about other things but i said this was going to be my next blog post so bare with me.
Extravagance was the original name for the sin. the meaning behind the word was extravagant behaviour includes the frequent purchase of luxury goods and forms of debauchery. In the Romance languages evolved to have an exclusively sexual meaning. Although in the 14th century the word lost it sexual meaning and lust was the new word for it. Lust or lechery is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. This sin is still the same now back then compared to know is that you wont die from sleeping with your neighbor's wife, well at least legally.
Gluttony surprisingly hasn't changed. I will take a guess that the reason is it a good word that hasn't changed and can mean different things. Now gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food or its withholding from the needy. Now there is different types of gluttony. I was a little surprised lol. Praepropere which is eating too soon, Laute eating too expensively, Nimis eating too much, Ardenter eating too eagerly, Studiose eating too daintily, and Forente eating wildly.
Avarice/Covetousness/Greed wow it has a lot of names. Greed is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed as seen by the church is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. Greed is very simple and hasn't changed so i am not going into farther detail.
Sloth the work has not changed although my meaning has. I believe both of them are right but hey whatever. Sloth in the olden times meant the failure of utilizing ones gifts or talents. In modern time it referrers to being lazy and indifference.
Also something of note some instead of Slot say Acedia or Despair. Acedia is not to care for something that you should. it is consider depression without joy. Despair is the precipitating cause of suicide, cause the feelings that come with it are loneliness, hopelessness, and pessimism. Despair was suppose to be mental and faith, where Acedia is more physical.
Wrath/Anger/Rage really they all mean the same thing. The uncontrollable and inordinate feeling of hatred. Wrath in its purest form is shown with self-destructiveness and violence. Wrath can manifest in different form which include impatience, revenge, and vigilantism. Although in it purest form it can be shown with self-destructiveness, it is the only sin not associated with self-interest and selfishness. Although one can be wrathful for selfish reason it is closer to the sin of Envy.
Envy is a lot like Greed and can lead to wrath. Envy can be defined in a couple ways i like this one, a desire to deprive another of theirs. Although it is also know as sorrow for another's good. The reason Envy and Greed and different is the Greed relates to more material goods where Envy may apply more generally. Also Envy is the feeling you are lacking something there forever everyone should lack it.
Pride/hubris is considered the original and most serious of the sins. I believe is it can lead to any of them. Hubris is the desire to be more important, attractive, intelligent, and so on. The idea of more because you are better then others. The story you can relate this sin to is the story of Lucifer, his pride was what caused his fall from heaven. By competing with god. He was transformed into Satan.
There we go my post on the seven sins once again.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Posted by Daminico Watson at 11:07 AM
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