SO Today should be and has all the making of a good day. Now i must admit i have not slept yet and i am coming off and 8 hour shift, but yeah whatever DOESN'T MATTER. So i know today has kinda started shitty tho. Since like my friends Jessie she went to the Hospital this morning. She just blacked out and yeah she has a concision now and like she needs to get blood work done now and like all this. I am glad she has a friend with her to cal the ambulance when she blacked out. She had me worried. NOT COOL just saying and i hope her and i are hang out tomorrow like idk if i have to go to her house and just chill because she can't leave. Like i want to see that she is ok.
The rest of today should be AWESOME, LIKE i DoWnLoAdEd Black and White which is an sick games. For those who don't know. I played for like 6 hours and i told Gillis i would play for an hour, the only reason i stopped was that Jessie messaged me because she got back from the hospital. so yeah...
I am getting my Cell Phone today, Yes android Galaxy will be mine. HEHE. then i am getting headphones and i think i will play a 32gb mini sdcard for my phone. After that check me balance to make sure i have enough money to cash Eric's check. Since a Check has a 5 day holding bullshit.
After we are going to Adrian's to play video games until picking up timetables for when school starts. Its funny i only need mine to see where my locker is xD.
/end post
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
so should today be a good day :D:D:D:D:D YEAH
Posted by Daminico Watson at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
so another post i guess...
I guess i should write another blog post that no one will read >.>
Well i have been working a lot, which is a good/bad thing. It is good because i am being kept busy and making money. Keep my parents off my ass for the most part. Also it is helping me find balance in my life. It is a bad thing tho because i am throwing this balance away. I am working to much and being anti social with most people. So as much as i hate the hate i only have 3 shifts next week i guess its good because i can hang out with people and get stuff done.
Drama with Caroline is done :D, Joe, Eric, and I where at his aunts and we took his puppy for a walk when we were like lets go to Caroline's and like fix things since thats what she wants to do. So like after being gone for 2 hours and at least an hour and 45 mins was with Care talking. Which was good because like we cleared everything up and like things are good again. Which makes me happy one less drama thing that needs to happen.
I am hopefully getting my cell this sunday, Android galaxy :D. If not this sunday then tuesday i guess.
/end post that no one will read
Posted by Daminico Watson at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
don't have a title xD
so i have the next two days off plus today :D then i work four days in a row. Which is cool since i like work. Yeah today i had to call a person because i am fixing there computer which is cool but i doing it sometime next week. I will find out when i am when i know when i am working xD. Tomorrow i wanted to hang out with Sammie or Michelle but Sammie is chill with Care and i am sure she doesn't want me there so i didn't even ask if join along. Michelle is sick :c i hope she gets better soon. So i am chillen with Gillis tomorrow i hope, knowing him he wil be like my moms being a bitch i can't come. then i will be like >.<, Nah i will just go to Joe's house since i haven't seen him in alike a week. On wednesday i am going to chill with Jessie i am not sure what we are going to do but whatever. What sucks is am broke until like next week tho. I have had some shorter shift this week and got off early on like 2 or 3 nights or my pay is going to be smaller :C. Which sucks but whatever i should still be in the 500 area i think xD.
As for today its my chill day, i slept in which is 11 for me xD. Then i had a shower and all that and ate something. since then i have been on my laptop. very nice and easy going day if i say so.
My sister is going to dye her hair blonde and like the front part blue. this should be funny since she has never dyed hair before. I can't wait to see how it turns out. :D
Also i failed at growing my hair out until school starts because i cut my hair like the other day and it is short again. not a short as i normally do but still. Idk it was too hot with long hair omg. i will try again after my birthday
Posted by Daminico Watson at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
:D :D :D
ok so i am happy as hell. I have my new laptop now that costed me 624 O.O there goes my pay xD. I also got to hang with Michelle today and i can say we had a very good time
Posted by Daminico Watson at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Soo i just realized
Yeah so i was called Dom a lot yesterday, which is fine thats the short form of Domonick. The problem is everyone calls me Dom and it kinda just hit my last night i hate Dom. It really bugs me xD. I don't mind Dam since my real name is Daminico, hell i wouldn't mind if ppl called me Daminico. I put Daminico on my resume and in brackets Domonick. Guess what one they use Domonick. :S the name i but in brackets like. so idk i am good with Domonick, Daminico, Dam, and i am sure there is more i am forgetting but since i can't remember its not a big deal. But yeah i dislike being called Dom. It makes me feel uneasy and i am not sure why. :S
Posted by Daminico Watson at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
what a good day
So i the start sucked with the how Mike thing and his basement >.<
but once i left that since he wasn't there at 12 and i just went back to Joe's.
On my way back there i ran into Joe and Josh and we went to Tim's. We all got something and where just chillen and talking there. Having a good time and all that. Then Joe and i freak out. Josh is like wtf is going on. We ran into Mr.Dowling and saw him go into the was room. Which cause Joe and i to freak make a sense and leave wit out him seeing us. Once out of Tim's we see a library. not cool man. then we were back at Joe's and like we played some video games and just chilled out. Then Alison came home from swimming and i commented about how she was wet xD then in a bit i saw her hat again and i commented about how i loved that hat but she couldn't use it until winter. Then yeah playing video games then watching ECW and i started to talk to Rachel, having a webcam convo. Then her and Joe talked for abit, then i talked to her again. Then she left. Then i played video games then Gillis got there and i had to leave. Over all a very good day
Posted by Daminico Watson at 10:53 PM 0 comments
SO i haven 't slept and i left Joe's house early to get home to do that work for Mike, my neighbor who is redoing his basement. Turns out he partied last night so he be up until like 12ish. LIKE WTF now i am tired and annoyed at him since he didn't give me a time. Everyday he has been working early on this basement >.> Plus gillis passed out and i don't think he is coming anytime soon. ugh this sucks. i could be sleeping
Posted by Daminico Watson at 8:57 AM 1 comments
Hopefully Joe or Josh see this
Heyy Joey thanks for having me over, sorry i had to go before u guys got up and all but i had stuff to do. Working on my neighbor's basement with Gillis. I had a good time and i really needed that to like relax. I should have slept but whatever i finished my anime. So finish FMA and tell Alison to finish it aswell since she is have done. If gillis and i finish early and we are not dead tired we will call on u ok.
Posted by Daminico Watson at 7:28 AM 0 comments
good day
well good day is more like good night, since i worked all sunday, which is cool. I enjoy work and all.
But yeah chillen at joes house was more fun. I was going to bus it there from work but Adrian came and got me so that was nice of him and it saved me alot of time :D. Then when i got there, Gillis was playing a game and joe and josh were watching wrestling. So was Alison but idk i ended up talking to her and yeah her and i just talked about anime and manga and cats xD and idk a lot of random stuff. Then we all played day of reckoning 2, which was awesome :D. i think Day of reckoning is still better then 2. I didn't win any matches tho >.> first one i got rid of joe then i got pinned by josh, second one Alison K.O. me with an iron pipe, Third Joe K.O. me with his foot i guess xD. Fourth Joe escaped the cage same with firth. But on the fourth Alison could have stopped him but she messed up xD oh well. Sixth it was royal rumble and i was the worst character ever xD but yeah i got like a guy out maybe two with Alison's help. Joe got all moody since Alison accidently knocked him out of the ring. Oh well its just a game lol. Then we all started to watch are own animes xD. Then ppl went to bed, i haven't slept yet which was a bad choice since like i have to work on my buddies basement and on tuesday i have work sooo not muh sleep coming my way.
Posted by Daminico Watson at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
new tamplate
One day i won't be lazy and i will try and make one of these templates, instead of just using them. Well i like this one. It should stay for quite some time i believe.
Posted by Daminico Watson at 12:22 PM 0 comments
The problem...
The problem with must relationships is the seven sins. this is going to become is funny since i relate to religion for a second to bring up the seven sins. Which are Pride, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Avarice(Greed), Gluttony, Lust. Most of these is the reason a relationship can never work out.
The pride of a person too be known as someone or to see recent people can cause a person to avoid dating a recent person; of wealth, looks, weight, boob size, penis size, intelligence, and many other things its not hard to think of. There pride would not allow them to be seen with this person even if they where the nicest person and the world. Causing i fatal flaw in the relationships. It is also know as being shallow or going for people's looks. This is there pride. If there is no pride tho you will allow yourself to be walked on and pushed aside.
This is simple, the wrath of a person effects the relationship greatly. Thinking about some one who gets angry easily and lashes out at people. That would cause pain and harm so people would not want to be be around that person. Yet a person that is too calm and has now wrath or keeps it bottled up, makes people think your are calm and likes you but could never think more then that since you not showing such emotion.
The people like every sin here you need balance in your life. A relationship is a two way street. IF you ever make it one way it will fail. For the reason is that if you only become envious of the person and only see what you want from them in your character you will not see what you already have in your character that people like about you. You will not see it. Causing yourself to become low of self esteem. Yet it is nature to do envious of others that wants pushes us forward in life.
This sin is different everyone thinks about being lazy is bad not matter what. Which is true that being lazy can be bad. It shows lack of interest, caring, and motivation. which is bad, with out any of those of course in balance you would do nothing and waste life. Yet without being lazy at some point we would all be workaholics and over worked to the point where can not function. You need to see both sides. Once again every thing in balance.
Well i am sure this one is very blunt, at least for the negative side. You want what you can't have, you will throw away anything you have for something you can never grasp. Too many people do that in a relationship leave one person to try to have someone they know they can't have or get yet want. Avarice(greed) is a very powerful emotion since it is very easy to be greedy. In your culture it is pushed on us that we deserve the newest, best product out there. It is hard not to be greedy in todays time. Yet like envy with out a little greed we would never push yourself forward.
hmm the sin of eating xD, no the meaning of gluttony as a sin means addiction. Addiction is bad and normally to end one addicting you start a new one.most addiction you think about are drugs, which will cause problem in a relationship even if they both do drugs and are addicted to it. What a shocker eh xD. Yet there is the addiction to a person, which is bad because once addicted to a person . Well each person act differently. There actions could be as simple as trying to help them out when every they can to trying to look like them or stalking them. Even throwing away there life to be apart of theres. None of that is healthy and will never help a relationship. The positive thing about addiction... i don't really have one. I guess it shows you care for something more then yourself, that you have the motivation to finish something you started. How ever it will end. (if you have read this far and you have a positive thing for this please comment)
Well Well my favorite sin xD. The physical attraction and enjoyment of two people doing well dirty things. The two must common ones, are cheating and rape. Now to refine that cheating doesn't really need it. You are committed to one person yet you have sexual relations with someone else. The one i want to refine is rape, there is the one that is like a no brainer which is against the will of two people that have no relation of that time. where there is also rape in the sense of couples where some one feels pressured to do something and doesn't want too. either way both these ways are bad. It will never help a relationship. Lust is sexual attraction so again like everything in balance, IF you move slowly and with your partner and never force anything. A trust us formed and you should be able to fill your lust with your partner.
The end fact is that balance in you life is needed. The seven sins are good and bad for your life it is all about balance.
Posted by Daminico Watson at 1:20 AM 0 comments
What is love...
Many have asked this question to me, What is love to me? and have you been in love?
TO answer this i have to say who i have loved, out of all the girls i have dated or liked. I have only had strong feelings that i could consider love i am not even sure if it is. That list goes something like this:(order means nothing)
Most of these people have have gotten over which is why i feel as it is not love. Karla, Caroline, and Corrine have all been nice to me had i had really strong feelings at first but they changed or i did. Maybe it was just not might to be. I do not know but it doesn't really bug me. Kayla and Brittany i am not sure i should but them together since things are still at the beginning with Brittany. I had/have strong feelings for her but she walked all over me and left with kind yet heart breaking words. Where Brittany is nice and kind hearted she could never do something like that, she is funny and cute and agrees with me on a lot of things. The only problem is that no one wants us to be together. We are not sure about thing. I feel that i have strong feelings for her but it that because i like her that much or because i want to go against everyone and date her anyways. I am getting over Kayla is what i am saying and it is hard to let go but its the right choice, its funny at the start before anything happened she asked "should i look into this? i really hope you don't like me i don't want to turn another good guy down." At that time i had didn't like her, then i had a crush that we took too far and yeah i fell hard.
I also like many girls but not with any strong feelings at the moment knowing that could change. Its the whole man-whore thing. It kinda sucks, i need to learn to care for only one person which i can do once i am in a relationship, but before that i am a mess.
So what is love, love is the basic feeling that is not never complicated at all, Everyone whats it to be, yet it is not. Love is the feeling of someone needing or wanting you for them self. The feeling that they care and think about you as you do them. The fact they like you more then others and wish to be physically and mentally closer to you then anyone once. Love is a very simple emotion that causes confusion in your lives. Since once you think or are in love that person be comes the most important to you over everyone else. Which is why it can turn so badly. Since it is just a feeling it does only take one. So you can easily love some one without them loving you back. which is the sad truth of life.
TO answer the other question have i been in love i have listed the names of people that i have had strong feelings for if i had to say if i loved any of them i would have to say no. Only because i was able to move on and but them behind me and for Brittany's case nothing has happened for me to tell.
Posted by Daminico Watson at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
A sad day indeed
Sammie never came online so i never got to hang out with her today, as planned. Also and got rid of they manga. This is a sad moment indeed
Posted by Daminico Watson at 6:47 PM 0 comments