Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Soo i just realized

Yeah so i was called Dom a lot yesterday, which is fine thats the short form of Domonick. The problem is everyone calls me Dom and it kinda just hit my last night i hate Dom. It really bugs me xD. I don't mind Dam since my real name is Daminico, hell i wouldn't mind if ppl called me Daminico. I put Daminico on my resume and in brackets Domonick. Guess what one they use Domonick. :S the name i but in brackets like. so idk i am good with Domonick, Daminico, Dam, and i am sure there is more i am forgetting but since i can't remember its not a big deal. But yeah i dislike being called Dom. It makes me feel uneasy and i am not sure why. :S